Please share your photos of Santa Jack by emailing them to
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The town of Norwich suffered a great loss with the passing of John “Jack” Candon on 12/5/2023 (Link to obituary and Valley News piece). Among his many talents and gifts to the community was serving as the town’s Santa Claus along side Mrs. Marty Claus.
There are countless photos of Santa Jack out there, whether on your mantels, fridges, phones, or past holiday cards. Posing with you and/or you children...sometimes smiling kids…sometimes screaming/crying kids! All precious memories to each of our families.
I’m hoping to crowd-source as many of these photos as possible from the community and compile them to memorialize the memories Santa Jack helped create for so many of us.
Please send your photos to share. The format doesn’t matter, the higher resolution the better, but anything works. You can snap a photo of a photo with your phone if need be! Send them my way and I’ll make them work. Any short note you include will be added.
Mascoma Bank 2022
Doc Donohue
Doc Donohue
Doc Donohue
Doc Donohue
Doc Donohue
I'm so very sad to hear of Jack's passing. I worked with Marty for many many years in the banking industry. (probably 20 years). I'm now a full-time photographer and last year, Santa and Mrs Claus came to my studio in Lyme so I could offer Santa photo sessions. - Cara Dyke
Cara Dyke
Cara Dyke
This wonderful man has always had my back... through all the rough years and through the good ones too. Here are my grandkids, Ty and Kait Christensen…a little trepidation from Kait when she was little and huge smiles when they were both bigger. The best thing of all was the year I brought them to see Santa and Jack said, as he walked past me to his Santa chair,…”Hi Joan”… Ty’s eyes almost popped out of his head. "Indi (my grandmother name),SANTA KNOWS YOUR NAME!!! YOU and Santa Claus are friends???? Yes Ty... then and always ♥️ - Joan Ecker
This was the first time (I’m pretty sure) that I saw Jack on the Polar Express. My belief in Santa was forever solidified when I had this experience and it has been an honor to have Jack as an amazing friend, mentor, and Father in law. His presence and booming laugh filled any room, and the love and warmth he gave to every human made anyone who he came into contact with feel special and valued. The world has lost a truly wonderful and beautiful soul. - Jamie Hayes
We were late to see Santa, and as we pulled in Santa and Mrs. Claus were walking from the bank to their car, likely already exhausted from a full event of lap-sitting and christmas wishes. Without skipping a beat or a hint of breaking character, Santa and Mrs. Claus greeted Winnie as she jumped out of the car. It's a photo we hold dear. - Chet Clem
Rudy meets Santa for the first time aboard the Polar Express - Becky Sabky
Polly and Santa on the Polar Express. - Becky Sabky
Gus waited in his spot and helped him park every year. We were arguably his biggest fans. - Molly Gentine
Henry and Owen Draper
Jack was a good man. My sincerest condolences for his family and our community. Photos taken in December 2021 at Mascoma Bank in Hanover. -Patty Monahan
Though my kids, for obvious reasons, couldn't see Santa at a certain age, my older daughter Mae was honored with the privilege of being "Lead Elf" on the Polar Express. - Tom Candon, Jack's nephew
Annie and Emma Hampton with Santa Jack at Mascoma Bank in Hanover in 2022. We are grateful to him helping our kids experience the magic of Christmas!
Seeing Santa was an annual tradition for our children and we are forever grateful for the memories and photos of his visits at the Norwich Inn. Always patient and kind, Jack made each child feel special as he took time for them to share their Christmas wishes. With fondest regards, The Campfield Family
Mrs. and Mr. Claus with Jack's brother Tom
Santa and Jack's sister-in-law Mary Candon
Thank you for the loving magical Christmas memories over many years, for our children Anne and Laura Richards, and our grandchildren Madelyn, Bryson and Henry (who much appreciated the sign language.) And the ability to wander into his office at any time for a dose of down-to-earth wisdom and kindness. - Chuck and Jeanne Richards
Here’s Jack being truly Santa (editor's note: operating undercover in civilian clothes), bringing gifts to Hartford/Norwich Holiday Baskets, as he did with Marty every year. They sponsored local children to make sure they too had a gift-filled holiday. That’s my sister Isabel McCarthy who volunteered to help sort the gifts. How did he manage to find the energy to do all he did at Christmas time? It was that big Irish heart. - Susan Pitiger
Santa with David and Nora Webster. - Heidi Webster
The best ever! - Melanie Podolec
Mia and Campbell experienced Christmas magic when Santa said hello to them by name! The joy of small town living. Thank you for the memories, Jack. - Reese Madden
2022 Polar Express with Hot Chocolate Chef Carly getting her bell from Santa! - Scott Young
Olivia & Juliette with Santa and Mrs. Claus in 2015. - Liz Gemignani
Olivia & Juliette with Santa and Mrs. Claus in 2016. - Liz Gemignani
Santa and Edye Scheier
Santa and Henry Scheier
Asking Jack to be Santa on Main Street in Hanover with the Youth in Action group was one of the best things I did! What fun ensued over the years. - Kathy Geraghty
Jack at the Celebrate the Seasons event 2013 at Mascoma Bank. - Richard Lemay Jr.
I wanted to share this picture from the Norwich Inn visit back in 2019. We always enjoyed having a visit from Santa!! - Dave Burtonbush, Norwich Inn
Chase's first visit with Santa was so successful I made everyone in my family one of these ornaments. - Angela McCanna
Chase's second visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus was less successful... - Angela McCanna
Here's Jack holding our beloved "Obie Joyful", at the 2016 Saturday morning Nineteen Days of Christmas event. Obie loved people, so he was fine getting dressed up as an elf to pose with Santa. (Alas, we lost Obie to liver cancer in September of this year.) - Irv Thomae
Mascoma Bank 2022
Mascoma Bank 2022
Mascoma Bank 2022
My boys loved meeting Santa when he stopped at Mascoma Bank on the way back to the North Pole. Surely he still had a lot of work to do before Christmas Eve, but he always made time for a Hanover visit on the night of the tree lighting on the green. It made the Christmas season, and our family memories, so very special. This photo was taken during one of their last visits with him. We'll never forget Santa Jack. - Beth DeSimone
Driving home from the Inn, our then little ones confidently reported that he was the real Santa. I had no doubt they were right. That night Santa’s focus on his job was unwavering. He was present in the moment with every child before him. He listened earnestly and questioned kindly. His bearing shifted from joyful to solemn as the situation demanded. Who is Santa? What is Santa? I don’t know. But I am confident this was the real Santa, too. - Brian Jones, Norwich
We met Santa on the polar express before we knew he was our neighbor. My kids looked out the window after we moved to our new home and said "umm is that santa!?" Not many people can say they saw Santa Claus mowing the grass. Thoughts and prayer to Marty and her family. - The Crows
While never in Santa’s lap, my grandchildren, Elizabeth, Thomas, and Patrick in Dallas were able to speak to Santa via Zoom. He was just as magical and endearing from far away or, as he told them, from the North Pole. They claimed he was a “real” Santa and they were right. - Anne Leary (Marty Candon’s sister)
Ann Marie Smith
Christmas 2014 - Nicole Bowen
Very sad to hear of Santa Jack's passing This photo is from the Polar Express. My grandson Orion is with Santa. - Sandy Horne
Kristina Aldrich
Kristina Aldrich
Kristina Aldrich
Kristina Aldrich
Kristina Aldrich
Erin Silva
Santa Jack helped us all believe. He also shared the warmest hugs, just ask Ross. ✨🎅🏼✨ - ❤️ The Navins Family
- ❤️ The Navins Family
- ❤️ The Navins Family

- ❤️ The Navins Family

- ❤️ The Navins Family
- ❤️ The Navins Family

- ❤️ The Navins Family

- ❤️ The Navins Family

- ❤️ The Navins Family
- ❤️ The Navins Family
- ❤️ The Navins Family

- ❤️ The Navins Family

I grew up next door to the Candons. When I moved home in 2019, I was thrilled to see them having a blast as Mr. and Mrs. Claus. My son was terrified but he came around eventually... - Keith Drake

- Keith Drake

- Emily Zambon

- Emily Zambon

John and Leah on the Polar Express Thank you for this precious memory, Santa Jack. Peace and love, sending prayers and wishes. - Alanna Lomasney

Dear Santa Jack, Thank you for helping keep the Christmas magic alive for all of us. Julia and Theo Cook (now age 20 &17), Norwich.

Our family is saddened by the news. Jack made so many wonderful memories for our children and family. This is heartbreaking and our thoughts are with you and your family. Thanks, Jenn and Jeff Robinson

Jack greeted my daughter, Quinn, by name on the Polar Express Train. She was so impressed that he also knew Nana’s name. Santa brought joy to our lives every season and there was never question, he was the real deal, not one of those Santa helpers 😉 - Ashley Newton

I never saw a more authentic and magical Santa. We have memories of him for nearly every year of the last seven. Always patient and gave ample attention to each child. Thank you for sharing him. ❤️ - Sarah

Polar Express 2022 ❤️ The Allens

Polar Express 2022 ❤️ The Allens
Jack was one of the wisest and kindest people I've ever met. We worked closely together for 5 or 6 years during the Polar Express. He was always laughing and had a story about everything. I always admired his ability to interact with children and parents to make each family feel special. This project proves something he always claimed. He was convinced his photo was on more fridges in the Upper Valley than anyone else. He will be so dearly missed. - John Hawks

Our first visit with Santa Jack and Mrs. Claus was also the first time one or both kids weren’t scared to tears. Maybe it was a little bit of growing up, but I think it was mostly something magical about these Clauses. Mascoma Bank, Norwich, 2022. With deep gratitude, The Adams/Pape Family

We had just moved to the Upper Valley. Mrs. Claus quietly reminded Santa of that fact. Without missing a beat, Santa introduced himself to our three first graders, saying, “you just moved here from Manchester, VT and you are now on Dogford Road, right? I have that in my book”. Our kids’ eyes were as big as saucers realizing that Santa knew exactly who they were. The next day in church, incognito Santa and Mrs. Claus were in the pew just across the aisle from our family. One of our kids stared at Mr. Candon throughout Mass and then whispered “Dad, I think that’s Santa”. At the end of Mass, we rushed out of church without saying hello to Jack and Marty, aka Mr. and Mrs. Claus. The Upper Valley’s Santa Claus was first class in all measures. He will be greatly missed but not forgotten!

Last year was Melvin’s first Christmas, he was right about 2 months old. We went to the Mascoma building in Hanover to meet his cousins for the Christmas celebration. The line to meet Santa was wrapped around the balcony, and through multiple stories of the building. Hundreds of people waiting. Melvin’s cousins were almost at the front of the line, and were waving for us to come up with them. There was NO WAY I was cutting all those people in line, so we stayed down in the mezzanine. Melvin was still young enough that he wouldn’t have understood Santa, so it was not a big deal anyways. When the cousins got up to Santa, Hazel, the oldest, said to Santa, I wish my Baby cousin could meet you. He said, well where is he? She pointed to Melvin in his carrier back down on the mezzanine. Santa said “BRING HIM UP!” and had his elves move the gates out of the way and escort us up the back stairs to meet him. While Melvin will never remember this, my wife and I will never forget it. - Drew Hitchcock

Mary Westrich always enjoyed visiting Santa Jack even though she never asked for much. - Jim Westrich

One of my favorite photos of Jack on The Polar Express; he was a consistent presence on the train for more than a decade. This was his gesture each time he entered a car full of children, before bestowing the First Gift of Christmas to a lucky child. - Scott Farnsworth
Jack and of my most favorite photos of me and my forever Santa. - Conductor Scott Farnsworth, The Polar Express (link)
I had the great pleasure of spending a couple of Polar Express Saturdays with Santa Jack. The first picture was taken December 12, 2010 (pictured with Rachel Rathburn on the left, Merrill Cameron and Brittany Rathburn).
The second picture was taken December 8, 2012 with Sean Rielly, Jonica DeGrasse (on the left) Rachel Rathburn and Anna Rench on the right. I made sure to make copies of these pics and gave them to him. I have such wonderful memories of that time and he provided so much joy to so many kids. May he rest in peace. Much love, Elizabeth Rathburn, West Hartford VT
Here's another picture taken December 8, 2012. Jack noticed all of the elves hanging out on their phones and not interacting with one another during the downtime. This picture was his idea and it was my Christmas card that year. In the pic (left to right) Anna Rench, Jonica DeGrasse, Rachel Rathburn and Sean Rielly. This is my favorite! Thinking of Jack's family and friends ~ Elizabeth Rathburn, West Hartford VT

Even during that first “Covid” Christmas Santa did everything he could to reach kids everywhere. Here is Santa Jack FaceTiming Mia and Sam in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Santa Jack knew their names, interests and hobbies. What a thrill for them and once again shows what a very special person Jack was! We will all miss you so. Jeanne Kress

Thankful for this memory and the joy he brought to everyone that believes in the magic of Christmas. Rest In Peace, Santa Jack. - Lisa Slade
Our grandson getting the first bell of Christmas from this kind man…. - Eugenie Doyle

Our four grandchildren — now ranging in age from 9 to 18 — always loved, during an annual family Christmas-cookie-baking weekend at our house in Thetford, being brought to the "Pancakes with Santa" breakfast at the Grange Hall in Norwich. Jack (and Marty) made them, not to mention their parents and grandparents, into true believers in the magic of Santa — and magic of that ilk will live on forever in our hearts! ❤️ — Dana & Dan Grossman

❤️ — Dana & Dan Grossman

❤️ — Dana & Dan Grossman
Message to the Gentine family, Christmas 2020.
A cherished video sent to us from beloved Santa Jack in December 2020. 🎅🏼 He was pure Christmas magic. ✨✨✨ - The Navins Family
Sent from a kind and courageous heart. - Sarah
On the Polar Express
I thought you might enjoy this video of Santa Jack. He made an appearance two years ago on Christmas Eve at my Hammocking for the Haven fundraiser. (He appears at 1 minute in.) —Suzanne Stofflet